TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Syllabus 2022 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: Tamil Nadu Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB) has released the Assistant Surgeon (General) Exam Syllabus & Pattern. Now the Assistant Surgeon Syllabus is available on the official site. Candidates who search for TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Syllabus and Exam Pattern can visit the official web Portal @ Aspirants can check out this article to know the Exam Pattern & Syllabus for Assistant Surgeon Exam.

TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Syllabus 2022 – Overview
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Organization Name | Tamil Nadu Medical Services Recruitment Board (MRB) |
Post Name | Assistant Surgeon (General) |
Vacancy | 1021 |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Tamil Nadu |
Official Site | |
TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Exam Pattern:
- The question paper on “Medical Sciences” will be in English only and will contain 100 objective-type questions.
- There will be no negative mark for the wrong answer.
Objective Type Exam Pattern
Subject | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Tamil Language Eligibility Test * (10th Standard Level) | 1:00 Hour | 50 |
Computer Based Test/ Written examination in Optical Mark Reader (OMR) – sheet; Objective type single paper Exam for Assistant Surgeon (General) | 2:00 Hours | 100 |
Syllabus For TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Exam
TN MRB Asst Surgeon Syllabus – Medical Science
- Human Anatomy.
- Biochemistry.
- Human Physiology.
- Microbiology.
- Pathology.
- Forensic Medicine and Toxicology.
- Pharmacology.
- Pediatrics.
- General Medicine.
- General Surgery.
- Dermatology.
- Community Medicine.
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology including Family Planning
- Anatomy.
- Physiology.
- Radio Diagnosis.
- Skin & VD.
- Surgery.
- Medicine.
- Anesthesiology.
- Paediatrics.
- Ophthalmology.
- Psychiatry
- F.M.T.
- Orthopaedics.
(INCLUDES General Medicine, Psychiatry, Geriatrics, Paediatrics, Surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Community Medicine)
(INCLUDES General Medicine, Psychiatry, Geriatrics, Paediatrics, Surgery, Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Community Medicine)
- Single Gene disorders
- Chromosomal disorders
- Multifactorial disorders
- Management, treatment and prevention of genetic disease.
- Climatic and environmental factors producing diseases. a) disorders of heat/cold/altitude/barametric pressure/pollution both indoor and outdoor. b) Diseases due to infections (Bacterial, Viruses, Spinochaetes, fungi, protozoa, helminths, arthropods)
- DISEASES OF THE CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEM:- Symptoms and signs in a CVS, ECG, exercise-stress, ECG Holter, monitory, radiology, ECHO, cardiac catheterisation and angiography, radio nucleotide scanning (PET) disorders of heart rate, rhythm and conduction, ischaenie, heart disease, vascular disease, diseases of the heart valves, congenital heart, diseases, diseases of the mynocardium endocardium, and pericardium.
- DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM:- Symptoms and signs in respiratory system. Lung function test, spirometry, body box, diffusion studies imaging sciences chest, x-ray, computed tomography, MRI, Ventilation perfusion imaging, pulmonary angiography, endoscopy-laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy both rigid and flexible, mediastroscopy, Pleural aspiration & thoracoscopy skin tests. Immunological & Serological, tests, Microbiological, Histopathological and Cytological examinations. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases Bronchail Asthma, upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia tuberculosis. respiratory diseases caused by fungi, tumours of the bronchus and lung, interstitial and infiltrative pulmonary diseases. Diseases of nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, dieseases of pleura, diaphragm and cheat wall.
- Alimentrary tract and pancreas, Hepato biliary system, symptoms and signs of the alimentray tract, pancreas, hepato biliary system. Investigations:- Plain radiographs, barium studies, CT, MRI, Artenography, Interventional radiology, ultrasonography, radionucleitide imaging, endoscopy – (rigid and flexible), sigmoidoscopy, oesophagoscope ERCP, Proctoscopy, Biopsies, secretary studies, motility studies, stool examination, liver function tests, diseases of the mouth, oesophagus. stomach and duodenum, gastro intestinal haemoorhage, acute abdomen, disease of small intestine, irritable bowel disease, diseases of the large intestine, diseases of the pancreas, acute and chronic parenchymal liver disease, tumours of the liver, liver transplantation, liver abscess gall bladder and other biliary diseases.
- WATER – ELECTROLYTE – ACID BASE BALANCE DISTURBANCES:- Serum electrolyte estimation.ABG, Major electrolyte disorders, acid base disorders, calcium, phosphate and Magnesium disorders.
- NUTRITIONAL FACTORS IN DISEASE Classification of Nutritional disorders. Energy yielding Nutrients, Protein Energy Mal-nutrition in -adults -children vitamins, Minerals, Nutrition support in hospital
- RENAL AND GENITOURINARY SYSTEM Symptoms and signs of renal involvement, Renal function tests. Glomerular diseases, infections of the kidney of urinary tract, obstruction of the urinary tract, urinary tract calculi and nephrocalcimosis, congenital abnormalities of the kidneys, Drugs and kidney, tumours of the kidney and genitouinary tract.
- ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC DISEASES INCLUDING DIABETES MELLITIES Symptoms and signs pertaining to various endocrine organs, disorders of Hyopothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, Reproductive organs. Diabetis Mellities and other metabolic disorders – like lipid, porphynia, etc.
- DISEASES OF THE BLOOD: Disorders of the erythrocytes, white cells, blood transfusion, haemostasis, venous thrombosis.
- DISEASES OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUES JOINTS AND BONES Back disorders, Regional periarticular or “soft tissue ” disorders, crystal deposition diseases, Inflammatory Joint disease, connective tissue disease, diseases of bone disorders of collagen and proteoglycan and neoplastic disease of bone, Osteoarthritis and related disorders.
- DISEASES OF THE SKIN: Eczemas, Erythematous scaly eruptions, disorders of the pilosebaceous unit, skin ulceration due to vascular disease, Dullous diseases, skin reactions to light, disorders of pigmentation, hair and nails and skin tumours.
- PSYCHIATRY:- Classification of Psychiatric disorders, altiological factors. Causes of acute confusional state, features of alcohol abuse and dependence, Physical sequele of alchohol abuse, factors associated with increased suicidal risk after deliberate self harm.
TREATMENTS USED IN PSYCHIATRY:- Clinical Syndromes – Organic Psychiatric disorders, substance misuse, Schizophrenia, affective disorders, Neurotic, Stress – related and somatoform disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, Sexual dysfunctions, puerperial mental disorders, personality disorders, factitious disorders. Special aspects of psychiatry like, Psychiatric problems in Hospital and community. Legal aspects of psychiatry.
- DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM:- Disorders affecting cranial Nerves.(I to XII) cerebral tumours, headache, facial pain, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disorders, movement disorders, demyelinating diseases, Infections of the nervous system. Diseases of the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, muscles, disorders of sleep, degenerative disorders. Nutritional neurological diseases, paraneoplastic neurological syndromes. Investigations of the Nervous system
CLINICAL EXAMINATION:- Imaging – Planning radiology, contrast radiology(angiography – DSA-Digital sub-traction angiography) Myelography & radiculography pneumoencephalography, computed tomography, Magnetie Resonance Imaging – MRI – Radionucleotide cerebral scanning, Emission computed tomography. CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY:- Electroencephalography(EEG) Evoked Poteritial Recording Biochemical Tests:- Tests of Muscle breakdown and tests for specific disorders, Tests of autonomie, Nemous systems. CSF Examination.
- GERIATRIC MEDICINE:- Normal old age, Effects of ageing on the pharmocokinectis and pharmacodynamics of drugs. Stroke Rehabilitation, Nonspecific presentation of disease in the elderly, common causes of falls, faceal and urinary mcontenence in elderly. 17. ACUTE POISONING:- Clinical Features and management of Common acute poisonings. Prevention of acute poisoning
- EMERGENCY MEDICINE:- Cardiopulmonary Resuscatation (CPR), Advanced Cardiac life support(ALLS)
- HIV infection and AIDS.
- The eye as a diagnostic indicator of systemic disease.
- Otorhino laryngology for non-specialist Ear/Pharyngeal & laryngeal diseases.
- Labyrinth/Nasal Obstructum. Neck Swellings, Cysts – Salivary
- Paediatrics: Growth & development, Nutritional Status, antenatal paediatrics, care of New born & premature babies. Immunisation programme – WHO – National, Infant feeding, common birth injuries, diarhoerial disorders, Acute respiratory infections, Phoumenias – parasitic infections, Neurological disorders, Congenital & acquired cardiovascualr, renal & Metabolic disorders, Hepatie & blood disorders, Childhood Malignaucies, chromosomal & genetic disorders, Child survival & Development, Revolution – antenatal care, growth monitoring, oral Rehydration, breast feedings, immunisation etc. Child abuse.
- SURGERY:- Infection, wound healing, water/electrolytes/,. Nutrition in surgical patients, shock, Hypothermia, Preoperative and post operative care, Oxygen theraphy, Management of emergencies, Surgical/Orthopaedics, Multiple system injuries, Fractures & dislocation, What first and measures to be adopted? Burns/Organ transplantation, Varicose veins, vonous thrombosis, peripheral arterial disease, paranychia, Tenosynovilies, Infection of palmar spaces. Bursitis, amputation, artificial limbs, Breast examination, oral cavity – carcinoma, Head injuries & management at the PHC/district hospital level. Actue abdomen, Pneumothora, Haemothro, Radio diagnosis of the emergency conditions – like Du Perforations, fractures etc. Thorasic, abdominal & Pelvic injuries to be recognised, Hernias and Hydrocele. Examination of the patient. Anaesthesa in surgery.
- GYNAECOLOGY/OBSTETRICS:- Infection of the genital tract, Tumours of the genital tract, investigations – Pap smear, colposcopy, Colpomicrosopy, fractunal curettage, ultrasono graphs, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscophy, family welfare programme, Breast examination:- Antenatal check up, high Risk Pregnancy, Prevention of low birth weight, babies, Maternal changes during pregnancy in CVS, respiratory system and renal fucntion. PREGNANCY:- Special circumstances – protein Energy Malnutrition, Diabetes, Anaemia, Heart diseases, Malaria, TB, HIV, STD, Infective Hepatitis, Pregnancy and Blood loss, Pregnancy and infection, Pregnancy and Blood transfusion, Anaesthesia.
- Health statistics
- Epidemiology
- Communicable Diseases – Small pox – influenza – Measles – Typhoid fever – Cholera – Malaria – Rabies anthrax-Nosocomial infections – Food poisioning – Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Environmental Health and Exposure to chemical
- Hygiene and Sanitation (including rural sanitation)
- Public Health Services.
- Preventive priorities: Hypertension – Family planning – maternal and Child health – Genetic
Screening – Surveillance and control of infections diseases – immunization – sexually transmitted diseases –
Occupational safety and health Surveillance and control of toxic agents in the Environment
Accident prevention and injury control – Smoking – Alcohol and Drug Abuse – Nutrition.
- Principles of health Education.
- Regional and National health Programmes including social, maternity and Child Health, more emphasis on population/HIV/Leptospiorios, trophical diseases, mother and child health care programme WHO PROGRAMME.
- a) To manage acute anaphylactic shock
- b) To manage perivascular failure and shock
- c) To manage Acute Pulmonary Oedema and LVF.
- d) Emergency management of Drowning, Poisoning and Seizures
- e) Emergency Management of Bronchial Asthma & status Asthmaticus .
- f) Emergency Management of Hyperpyrexia
- g) Emergency management of Comatose Patients Regarding Airways, Positioning, Prevention of Aspiration and injuries
- h) Management of Burns
- i) Management of various trauma, Victims
- j) Medico legal cases: – Formalities in cases of Injury poisoning, Sexual offenses, Intoxication and other unnatural conditions.
TN MRB Assistant Surgeon Syllabus 2022 PDF Download