TRB Polytechnic Lecturer Exam Postponed: Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board has already released the 1060 Polytechnic Lecturer vacancies. Many candidates are applied for this examination. And the applications are received. The officials released the exam date & hall ticket also. Earlier, the examination is scheduled to be held on 28, 29, 30 October 2021 at various examination centers. But now Interview with Ponmudi, Minister of Higher Education he said the 1060 TN Polytechnic Lecturer examination was postponed due to some reasons.
Therefore, candidates are ready and you have two more weeks to study for the Polytechnic examination. Be prepared for the examination and attend the examination on the scheduled date and time.
All the aspirants keep in touch with this page every day to get your to get instructions about TN TRB Lecturers Exam Date 2021.
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