TS SSC Supplementary Exam Date 2023 (Out): The Telangana Board of Secondary Education has announced the TS SSC Supplementary Exam Date 2023 as June 14 to June 22, 2023, from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. The TS SSC Supplementary Admit Card 2023 will be released on the official website of the board. Students can download their admit cards by logging in to the official website using their registration number and date of birth. It is advised to keep checking the official website for any updates regarding the TS SSC Supplementary Exam 2023 and admit card download date.

bse.telangana.gov.in Supplementary Call Letter 2023
The Telangana Board of Secondary Education will release the TS SSC Supplementary Admit Card 2023 before the exam date. Students can download the admit card from the official website by entering their credentials. The admit card contains important information such as the exam date, time, and venue, and students must carry it to the exam hall.
TS SSC Supplementary Exam Date 2023
The TS SSC Supplementary Exams 2023 will be conducted from June 14 to June 22, 2023, from 9 AM to 12:30 PM. Students who were unable to pass one or two subjects in the Class 10th board exams can appear in the Telangana state Class 10th compartment exams. The exams will be held in the morning session, giving students ample time to prepare for the exams.
Steps to Download Telangana Supplementary Hall Ticket 2023 Online
In case students face any difficulty in downloading the TS SSC Supplementary Admit Card 2023, they can follow the steps listed below:
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Telangana Board of Secondary Education at bse.telangana.gov.in.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the “TS SSC Supplementary Admit Card 2023” link.
Step 3: Enter the required details such as registration number and date of birth.
Step 4: Click on the submit button.
Step 5: The TS SSC Supplementary Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download and take a printout of the admit card.
Download TS SSC Supplementary Exam Date 2023 >> Click Here >>
Number of Students Appeared in TS SSC Regular Exams 2023
The total number of regular students who appeared for the SSC examinations this year was 4,84,370. The Board recorded an overall pass percentage of 86.60% in TS SSC Result 2023. However, students who were unable to pass one or two subjects can appear in the TS SSC Supplementary Exams 2023 to improve their scores.
Benefits of Appearing in TS SSC Supplementary Exams 2023
1. Second chance: Students who were unable to pass one or two subjects in the Class 10th board exams can appear in the supplementary exams and improve their scores.
2. Saves a year: Appearing in the TS SSC Supplementary Exams 2023 can help students save a year and continue their education without any gap.
3. Improved scores: By appearing in the supplementary exams, students can improve their scores and increase their chances of getting admission into higher education courses.