TSPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2023 & Exam Pattern: The officials of the Telangana State Public Service Commission released the Telangana Agriculture Officer Exam Syllabus and Telangana Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern for the candidates on their official site. To save the applicants time, We have inserted the direct download link at the bottom. Candidates prepare for their exams and write their exams well.

Telangana Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2023 – Details
TSPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2023 | |
Organization Name | Telangana State Public Service Commission |
Post Names | Agriculture Officer |
Category | Syllabus |
Job Location | Telangana |
Official Site | tspsc.gov.in |
TSPSC Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern 2023
The TSPSC Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern is shared here with the details of the Number of questions asked Time Duration, and Max marks. And there is no negative marking in the exam.
Written Examination (Objective Type) | No. of Questions | Duration (Minutes) | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: General Studies & General Abilities | 150 | 150 | 150 |
Paper-II: Agriculture (Degree Level)*In the paper –II each question carries 2 marks | 150 | 150 | 300 |
Total Marks | 450 |
Name of the papers | Language of Examination |
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities | Bilingual i.e., English and Telugu |
Paper-II: Agriculture (Degree Level) | English |
Telangana PSC AO Syllabus 2023
Paper I: General Studies and General Abilities PAPER-I: GENERAL STUDIES AND GENERAL ABILITIES
- Current affairs – Regional, National, and International.
- International Relations and Events.
- General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology.
- Environmental issues; Disaster Management- Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
- Economic and Social Development of India and Telangana.
- Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India.
- Physical, Social and Economic Geography and Demography of Telangana.
- Socio-economic, Political, and Cultural History of Modern India with special emphasis on
Indian National Movement. - Socio-economic, Political, and Cultural History of Telangana with special emphasis on
Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telangana state. - Indian Constitution; Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
- Social Exclusion; Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability, etc., and inclusive
policies. - Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts, and Literature of Telangana.
- Policies of Telangana State.
- Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
- Basic English. (10th Class Standard)
1. Historical developments in Agriculture; Agro-climatic zones of India and Telangana; Agricultural Meteorology – Weather and Climate, Rainfall patterns, Monsoons, artificial rain making , Weather forecasting – Crop Production and Productivity in India and Telangana, cultural practices; cropping systems & patterns; Yield and yield attributes of Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Forage, Fibre, Sugar and commercial crops; Dryland Farming; Contingency crop planning; Cropping Systems and pattern in Telangana; Integrated Farming Systems; Farm implements.
2. Important Weed flora and their management in different fields and Horticultural crops; Forestry in India and Telangana; Silviculture, Agro-Forestry, Social Forestry, Afforestation, Energy Plantations, Deforestation, and its Implications; Soil Plant Water relations; Principles of irrigation – Irrigation methods and problems; Micro irrigation; Water Management in different crops, Watershed Management, Water use efficiency; water conservation; water harvesting; Sustainable Agriculture; Land degradation and conservation of natural resources; Wastelands and their development; Organic Farming; Bio-diversity. Geo-informatics and Nanotechnology for Precision Farming. Statistical methods. Agri-informatics.
3. Ultra Structure of Plant cells, organelles, and their functions – cell division; Fundamentals and principles of Genetics – Mendel Laws; Plant Breeding – scope and importance – Breeding methods for self-pollinated and cross-pollinated crops; Different types of selections and types of Hybridization – Heterosis – Inbreeding – varietal improvement; Major breeding procedures for the development of hybrids/ varieties of different crops. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act. Intellectual Property Rights. Plant Genetic Resources their utilization in crop improvement; Ideotype concept; Breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stress – Genetic basis of adaptability.
4. Tissue culture and Plant Genetic Engineering – Methods and Applications in crop improvement; Seed Production methods and processing; Seed Certification – Seed act – Seed drying – Seed Storage – Seed physiology. Growth and development of crop plants; Crop plant water relations, Neurophysiology; Photosynthesis, Respiration; Source and sink concept; Photoperiodism. Plant growth regulators: Post-harvest technology -types of ecosystems; Biotic and abiotic stresses; Climate change; Pollution, global warming, and controlled environment.
5. Types of Soils – Soil Taxonomy, Soil genesis, Physical, Chemical & Biological properties of SoilSoil fertility and productivity. Movement of nutrients in soil and plants. Essential elements (macro & micro) and their functions, deficiency symptoms, and toxic effects on plants and their corrective measures; Problem soils and their management. Quality of irrigation water. Methods of analysis of soils & fertilizers. Methods of fertilizer recommendations to crops. Fertilizer use efficiency; Types of Manures and Fertilizers. Soil quality and soil health. Fertilizer control order – Soil pollution. Integrated Nutrient management.
6. Different types of land surveys; Methods of soil and Water conservation; Plant Protection Equipment and farm machinery; Concepts of Green Houses; Renewable energy sources – Solar energy, wind energy, and Bio-energy – biogas, bioethanol, and biodiesel.
7. Insect morphology; Taxonomy; Insect Ecology; Importance of Sericulture, Apiculture, and Lac culture; Integrated Pest Management – concept and Principles; Different groups of Plant Pathogens; Fungi, Bacteria, Viruses, Viroids, Phytoplasma, Spiroplasma, and Nematodes – their characteristics and classification; Classification of Plant Diseases – Diseases, disorders, Symptoms; Disease cycle – Survival of Pathogens, dispersal, and infection; Pests and diseases of important field and Horticultural crops and their management; Stored grain pests and management; Integrated plant and disease management, Concept and Principles; Plant Protection Chemicals – Insecticides and Fungicides – Classification. Non-Insect Pests and their management.
8. Concepts and principles of Agricultural Economics; Agricultural Finance; Agricultural credit – Banking institutions, Kisan credit cards; Microfinance and Self-help Groups; Crop insurance; Assessment of crop losses; Principles of Cooperation; Cooperative credit structure, Farm management, nature, and scope; Farm planning and budgeting –Types and systems of farming – Agricultural Production economics– Risk and uncertainty in agriculture; Agricultural marketing – structure and function; International trade- World Trade Organization; Trading by government agencies–Agricultural price policy; Risks in agricultural marketing; Agribusiness management; Capital management; Financial management of agribusiness; Agro-based industries.
9. Importance of Horticulture in Telangana; Fundamentals of Horticulture like importance in Human Nutrition, layout, training, pruning, propagation and growth regulators; Cultivation practices for fruits, vegetables, flowers, spices, plantation, medicinal, aromatic and other Horticultural crops; Landscaping, Ornamental gardening, Protected cultivation, and Commercial Floriculture; Post Harvest technology and value addition of Fruits and Vegetable crops.
10. Extension Education- concepts, principles, and scope; Rural Development – concepts and importance; Community and Women Development Programs; New trends in Extension; Rural Sociology- concepts and importance in Agricultural extension; Social groups; the concept of Educational Psychology; Extension methodology – Transfer of Agricultural technology; Role of different agencies viz., KVK, DAATC, etc; Concepts of Entrepreneurship Development Program.
11. Cell structure and function of prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Major microbial groups, Role of microorganisms in the soil, food, and water; Structure and function of bio-molecules – amino acids, sugars, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, proteins, and enzymes; Major metabolic pathways; Bio-fertilizers, microbial bio-control agents, microbial bio-insecticides – their role in INDPM and sustainable agriculture; Renewable and non-renewable resources – Sustainable management of natural and bio-resources; Environmental Pollution and Prevention.