TSPSC Supervisor Syllabus 2021 Out | Exam Pattern @ www.tspsc.gov.in: The Telangana State Public Service Commission officials have released the TSPSC Supervisor Syllabus 2021 at its official website. Candidates who have all applied For the TSPSC Supervisor Exam now check your Exam syllabus from here. So that candidates can get a clear idea regarding how to prepare for the examination. Additionally, We have also attached the Exam Pattern along with the syllabus. Therefore all the eligible and interested candidates kindly check your syllabus as well as exam pattern from the direct link given below.
TSPSC Supervisor Syllabus 2021 PDF – Overview

Telangana Supervisor Syllabus 2021 PDF & Download Exam Pattern | |
Organization | Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) |
Post Name | Manager |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Job Location | Telangana |
Official website | www.tspsc.gov.in |
TSPSC Supervisor Exam Pattern 2021
Written Examination (Objective Type) | Total Questions | Duration | Maximum Marks |
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities |
150 | 150 | 150M |
Paper-II: Marketing Management (PG Diploma Level) |
150 | 150 | 150M |
Total | 300M |
Name of the Papers | Language of Examination |
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities | Bilingual i.e., English and Telugu |
Paper-II: Marketing Management(PG Diploma Level) | English |
TSPSC Supervisor Syllabus 2021
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
- Current Affairs – Regional, National, and International
- International Relations and
- General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology
- Environmental issues and Disaster Management
- The economy of India and Telangana
- Geography of India with a focus on Telangana
- Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government
- Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana
- Policies of Telangana State
- History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement
- History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood
- Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability, and Data Interpretation
- Basic English
Paper-II Marketing Management (P.G. Diploma Level)
Meaning and Definitions; Marketing interface with other functional areas; Marketing Environment – Micro and Macro -1. The microenvironment – The company, Suppliers, Marketing intermediaries, Competitors and market structures, Publics and Customers 2. The macro-environment– Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological, Political and Legal, Social and Cultural environment Marketing Mix- Product, Price, Place, and Promotion; Expanded Marketing Mix- People, Process and Physical.
Market Segmentation:
Perceptual Mapping; Bases for Segmentation, Segmenting Consumer Markets; Market Targeting, Product Positioning, Positioning Strategies, Demand Measurement and Sales Forecasting Methods
Marketing Research:
Nature and scope of marketing research; Marketing research process; Primary and secondary data sources; Contact methods – personal interview, telephone interview, e-mail questionnaire, and postal questionnaire; Specific marketing research techniques: group discussions, focus groups, and consumer panels; Application of marketing research in various areas of marketing; Report writing
Consumer Markets:
Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior. Cultural factors, Social factors, Personal factors, Psychological factors – Stages in the Adoption Process, Industrial Markets – Characteristics Decisions Involved in Product, Branding, Packaging, Product Line, and Product Mix Decisions. New Product development, Product Life Cycle – Introduction stage, Growth stage, Maturity stage, and Decline stage
Significance and Importance of Price in Marketing; Pricing Decisions- Factors influencing pricing decisions, Methods of pricing
Distribution Management:
Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decisions: Nature, functions, and types of distribution channels; Distribution channel intermediaries; Channel management decisions; Retailing and wholesaling.
Promotion Mix:
Determining advertising budget; Types of Media and their advantages and disadvantages. Media selection; Measuring advertising effectiveness;
Personal Selling:
Role and Importance of Personal selling; Steps in the selling process.
Sales Promotion:
Sales promotion tools: off-shelf offers, price promotions, premium promotions, prize promotions.
Consumer Behavior Decision Making:
Problem recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of alternatives. Purchase decision and Post-purchase behavior.
Meaning of services, unique characteristics of services, Difference between services and tangible products; Classification of services.