UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2021 PDF | Download Exam pattern Details Here: Syllabus and Exam pattern helps the candidate to get an idea for best preparation. Applicants come to know which part has to concentrate more and which area concentrates less and some other information. You can go over the Syllabus before you begin your preparation and utilize it to help you prepare. The authority has uploaded the UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2021 PDF and Exam pattern at the official site. Applicants who want to score high or more marks kindly check and download the syllabus and Exam pattern from this article.
UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2021 PDF – Overview

Download UP ACF & RFO Exam Pattern Details!! | |
Organization | Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) |
Post Name | Combined State / Upper Subordinate Services Examination, and Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services |
Status | Released |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | https://licindia.in/ |
UPPSC PCS Selection Process 2021
- Preliminary Examination (Objective Type & Multiple choice).
- Main Examination (Conventional Type, i.e. Written examination).
- Viva- Voce (Personality Test).
UPPSC PCS Exam Pattern 2021
- The papers shall be 200 marks each and of two hours durations.
- Both the papers shall be objective Type & multiple choice in which there shall be 150-100 questions Respectively
Paper | Compulsory Subject | Marks | Time Duration |
1. | General Hindi | 150 | 03:00 hours |
2. | Essay | 150 | 03:00 hours |
3. | General Studies-I | 200 | 02:00 hours |
4. | General Studies-II | 200 | 02:00 hours |
5. | General Studies-III | 200 | 02:00 hours |
6. | General Studies-IV | 200 | 02:00 hours |
UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2021
A) Compulsory Subject viz:
General Hindi, Essay, and General Studies (First, Second, Third, and Fourth papers) Papers Shall be Conventional type and for solving the questions three hours time is allowed. For optional Question papers, three hours time is allowed. Two hundred maximum marks have been allotted for each optional question paper.
Note: 1. A candidate shall be required to obtain such minimum marks in the compulsory paper of General Hindi, as may be determined by the Government or the Commission, as the case may be. There shall be Two sections in all the question papers of Optional subject and each section will include Four questions. Candidates are required to answer only Five questions while they must select a minimum of Two questions from each section.
- Agriculture
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Physics & Veterinary Science
- Mathematics
- Geography
- Economics
- Sociology
- Philosophy
- Geology
- Psychology
- Botany
- Law
- Animal Husbandry
- English Lit.
- Statistics
- Hindi Lit.
- Urdu Lit.
- Management
- Sanskrit Lit.
- History
- Commerce
- Public Administration
- International Relations Accountancy
- Civil Engineering
- Political Science
- Anthropology
- Medical Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
C) Personality Test (Viva-Voce)
The test will relate to the matter of general interest keeping the matter of academic interest in view and for general awareness, intelligence, character, expression power/personality, and general suitability for the service.
Any two subjects to be selected from the following list of the optional subjects
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Engineering
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Forestry
- Geology
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
- Horticulture
- Environmental Science.
Provided that the candidates will not be allowed to offer the following combination of subjects–
- Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering and Horticulture
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- of the Engineering Subjects viz. Agriculture Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering not more than one subject
Personality Test
The candidate will be interviewed by a board of competent and unbiased observers. The personality test will be 150 Marks
For More Detailed Syllabus, Aspirants can refer to the Official Notification. The direct link to download the official notification is provided below.
licindia.in Syllabus Download Link:
Download UPPSC PCS Syllabus 2021 – Click Here (Available)