UPSC CDS-1 Results 2023 (Out): The Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) has announced the results of the Combined Defence Services Examination-1 (CDS-1) 2023 today. A total of 6,518 candidates have qualified for the exam held on April 16, 2023. The roll number-wise result of CDS 2023 has been published on the official website of UPSC,

Provisional CDS-1 Results 2023
The CDS-1 results are provisional and candidates are required to submit the original certificates in support of their date of birth, in accordance with the conditions of the admission to the examination. The marks sheet of candidates who did not qualify will be available on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA, after conducting SSB Interview, and will remain available on the website for a period of 30 days.
Selection Process for Qualified Candidates
Candidates who have qualified for the UPSC CDS-1 exam will be called for an interview by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence. The interview process is the final stage of the selection process for admission to the following courses:
- Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 156th (DE) course commencing in January 2024
- Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course
- Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course
- Officers Training Academy, Chennai 119th SSC (Men) (NT) (UPSC) Course commencing in April 2024
- Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 33rd SSC Women (Non-Technical) (UPSC) Course commencing in April 2024.
Submission of Original Certificates
Candidates who have qualified for the UPSC CDS-1 exam are required to submit their original certificates in support of their date of birth. The submission deadline is as follows:
- Not later than January 1, 2024, for IMA and INA.
- Not later than November 13, 2023, for AFA.
- Not later than April 1, 2024, for the SSC course only.
UPSC CDS-1 Marksheets for Non-Qualifiers
The mark sheets for candidates who did not qualify for the UPSC CDS-1 exam will be available on the Commission’s website within 15 days from the date of publication of the final result of OTA (after conducting SSB Interview). The mark sheets will remain available on the website for a period of 30 days.
How to Download UPSC CDS-1 Results 2023 Online?
- Go to the official website of UPSC at
- Click on the “Examination” tab and select “Active Examinations” from the drop-down menu.
- Look for the “Combined Defence Services Examination (I), 2023” and click on it.
- On the next page, click on the link that says “Result“.
- The result will be displayed on the screen in the form of a PDF file.
- Search for your roll number or name in the PDF file to check if you have qualified for the next stage of the selection process.
- If your name or roll number is on the list, congratulations! You have qualified for the next stage. Make sure to keep a printout of the result for future reference.
Download UPSC CDS-1 Results 2023 >> Available Now <<
Note: The UPSC CDS-1 results 2023 have been declared, and 6,518 candidates have qualified for the interview process. Candidates must submit their original certificates in support of their date of birth, and non-qualifiers can access their mark sheets on the UPSC website.