UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 (Released): The UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 has been eagerly awaited by aspirants who appeared for the examination held on 28th May 2023. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Indian Forest Service (IFS) Preliminary Examination every year to recruit eligible candidates for various posts in forest services. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information about the UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023, including cut-off marks, merit list, and how to download the result online.

UPSC IFS Prelims Cut-Off Marks 2023
The UPSC IFS Prelims Cut-Off Marks 2023 will be released along with the result. The cut-off marks are the minimum marks that a candidate needs to score to qualify for the next stage of the examination. The cut-off marks are determined based on various factors, including the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the exam, and the number of candidates appearing for the exam. Candidates who score above the cut-off marks will be eligible for the UPSC IFS Main Examination. Indian Forest Service Merit List 2023
The UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 will also include the merit list of candidates who have cleared the exam. The merit list is prepared based on the candidate’s score in the UPSC IFS Preliminary Examination. Candidates who are included in the merit list will be eligible to appear for the UPSC IFS Main Examination. The merit list will be available on the official website of UPSC.
How to download UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 Online?
Candidates can download their UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 from the official website of UPSC or through the designated UPSC IFS Prelims Result Link provided by the Commission. Here are the steps to download the result online:
1. Visit the official website of UPSC (
2. Click on the “Result” tab on the homepage
3. Look for the “UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023” link and click on it
4. Enter your roll number and other required details
5. The result will be displayed on the screen
6. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference
Download UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 << Click Here >>
Note: The UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023 is a crucial step in the selection process, as it determines the candidates who will move forward to the next stage of the examination. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website of UPSC for updates on the result, cut-off marks, and merit list. We hope this article has provided you with all the necessary information about the UPSC IFS Prelims Result 2023. All the best!