WB Police Lady Constable Prelims Admit Card 2023 (Out): The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has released the WB Police Lady Constable Prelims Admit Card 2023. Aspiring candidates can now access their admit cards for the upcoming preliminary examination. The preliminary exam for the post of Lady Constable is scheduled to be held on September 10, 2023. Candidates are advised to download their call letters from the official website, wbpolice.gov.in, and prepare for the examination.

West Bengal Police Lady Constable Prelims Exam Date 2023
The West Bengal Police Lady Constable Prelims Exam is scheduled to take place on September 10, 2023. This date marks an important milestone for candidates aspiring to become Lady Constables within the state.
wbpolice.gov.in Prelims Call Letter 2023
The wbpolice.gov.in Prelims Call Letter 2023, commonly known as the admit card, is a crucial document that candidates must carry to the examination center. It serves as proof of candidature and provides important details about the examination, such as date, time, venue, and instructions.
How to Check WBPRB Lady Constable Prelims Hall Ticket 2023 Online?
Candidates can follow these simple steps to check and download their WBPRB Lady Constable Prelims Hall Ticket 2023:
- Visit the official WBPRB website: wbpolice.gov.in.
- Look for the ‘Admit Card‘ or ‘Call Letter‘ section.
- Find and click on the link related to the WB Police Lady Constable Prelims Admit Card 2023.
- Enter the required login credentials, such as application number and password.
- Click on the ‘Submit‘ button to access and download your call letter.
- Carefully review the details and ensure all information is accurate.
- Print multiple copies of the call letter for future reference.
Download WB Police Lady Constable Prelims Admit Card 2023 << Available Now >>