WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Admit Card 2023 (Released): West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has released the interview admit card for the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination 2020 on its official website. Candidates who have qualified for the interview round can download their interview admit card/schedule from the official website of WBPSC-wbpsc.gov.in or through the direct link provided below.

WB Audit and Accounts Hall Ticket 2023 Important Dates
- Interview Schedule: April 27 to May 18, 2023
- Admit Card Release Date: Released
West Bengal Admit Card 2023 Details Mentioned
The WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Admit Card 2023 contains important details regarding the interview, including the candidate’s name, roll number, interview schedule, date and time, and exam center details. Candidates must verify all the details mentioned on the admit card and report any discrepancies to the official authorities.
West Bengal PSC Call Letter 2023 Required Documents
Candidates must carry all the essential documents, including academic qualifications, proof of age, and other certificates mentioned in the notification, to the interview schedule. Without these documents, candidates will not be allowed to appear for the interview. Stay updated with all the latest information regarding the WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Recruitment Examination 2020 by visiting the official website at wbpsc.gov.in.
Steps to Download wbpsc.gov.in Admit Card 2023 Online
Step 1: Visit the official website of WBPSC at wbpsc.gov.in or click on the direct link provided below.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link for “WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Admit Card 2023“.
Step 3: Enter your login credentials, including your roll number and date of birth.
Step 4: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 5: Your WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference.
Download WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Admit Card 2023 (Available Now)