WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus PDF 2021 & Exam Pattern: Are you searching West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Syllabus? If Yes, You are in the right place. The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) has officially released the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Exam 2021. The candidates eagerly check and prepare for the examination. So, we provided the WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus 2021 to score more marks in the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Exam. Not only the West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus pdf you can also get the WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Pattern from this page. So, candidates can prepare for the WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam 2021 without any disturbance. To the bottom of this page, you can easily get the WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern For Subject Wise Syllabus in PDF Format. The candidates can use this article to get more marks and ideas about the examination.

WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus PDF – Overview
WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus PDF 2021, Exam Pattern | |
Organization Name | West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) |
Post Name | West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Exam 2021 |
Category | Syllabus |
Syllabus | Released |
Location | West Bengal |
Official website | wbpsc.gov.in |
West Bengal PSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Pattern 2021
Preliminary Examination
Group-A | ||
1 | English Composition | 50 |
2 | General Knowledge, Current Affairs of National & International Importance, History of India & Indian National Movement, Geography, Reasoning | 40 |
3 | Constitution of India with special reference to NITI Aayog, (erstwhile Planning Commission), Finance Commission, Finance, Accounts & Audit | 35 |
Group – B | ||
1 | Business Mathematics & Statistics | 35 |
2 | Accountancy & Costing | 40 |
Total | 200 |
Mains Examination
Sl.No | Main Examination (Descriptive) | Marks |
1(a) | Compulsory Papers (100 marks each paper) : A. English Essay, Precis Writing & Composition. B. Bengali/ Hindi/ Urdu/ Nepali/ Santali Essay, Precis Writing & Composition. C. General Knowledge & Current Affairs. D. Business Mathematics & Statistics. E. Auditing |
500 |
1(b) | Optional Papers (100 marks for each paper) : Candidates shall have to choose three (3) papers taking one from each group, viz. Group – A, Group – B & Group – C. Group – A: A 1: Macroeconomics & Public Finance. A 2: Indian Financial System. A 3: Economic Principles & Indian Economic Problems. Group – B: B 1: Business Regulatory Framework. B 2: Cost & Management Accounting. B 3: Advanced Accountancy. Group – C: C 1: Business Management. C 2: Direct & Indirect Taxation. C 3: Information Technology & its application in Business. |
300 |
Sub Total | 800 | |
2 | Personality Test | 200 |
Total | 1000 |
West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus PDF 2021
Paper-I: Précis, drafting of notes and letters.
Paper-II: Provisions of the Constitution of India regarding Finance, Audit and Accounts, Money Bills, Borrowing, Property, Contracts & Service.
Paper-III: Knowledge of Geography of West Bengal and Current Affairs of National Importance.
(a) West Bengal Service Rules, Part-I
(b) West Bengal Service Rules, Part-II (Chapter-I to IX and XIII)
(c) Pension rules in respect of the West Bengal Services (Death-cum- Retirement benefit) Rules, 1971.
(d) The West Bengal Financial Rules, Volume-I and II
(e) The West Bengal Treasury Rules, Volume-I and II
(f ) The West Bengal Audit Manual, Part-I and II
(g) Government Accounting Rules – 1990
(h) Accounting Rules for Treasuries – 1992
Paper-V: Arithmetic (Madhyamik standard of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education).
Paper-VI: Accountancy and Auditing (graduate standard) Accountancy – Advanced Book Keeping, Single and Double Entry Book Keeping and Accounts, Bills of Exchanges, consignments, depreciation and sinking funds, self-balancing ledger, trading manufacturing and profit and loss accounts and balance sheets, partnership accounts, company accounts, branch account, departmental accounts, double accounts, accounts of public utility concerns, hire purchase and royalty accounts, miscellaneous accounts – fire claims for stocks, analysis of balance sheets.
Auditing – Internal check, Audit Programme, Vouching, Valuation and Verification of Assets and Liabilities, Audit and Accounts of Partnerships and Companies, Duties and Responsibilities of Auditor, Audit of various Institutions, Special feature relating to Audit of Government Companies and Public Utility Concerns.
WBPSC Audit and Accounts Service Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2021 PDF Click Here
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