WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 (Released): Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) has released the WCL Mining Sirdar Admit Card 2023 and WCL Surveyor Admit Card 2023 on 8th May 2023. To download the official Western Coalfields Mining Sirdar Admit Card 2023 online, applicants can visit the official website or use the direct link provided in this article. The exam is scheduled to be conducted on 14th May 2023.

WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Exam Date 2023
The Western Coalfields Mining Sirdar and Surveyor Exam 2023 will be conducted on 14th May 2023. Candidates must download their WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 before the exam date to be allowed to appear for the exam.
westerncoal.in Hall Ticket 2023
The WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 is an important document that contains essential details such as the exam date, timing, venue details, and candidate information. Candidates must carry a hard copy of their WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Hall Ticket 2023 to the exam hall, failing which they will not be allowed to appear for the exam.
How to download WCL Admit Card 2023 Online?
Candidates can follow the steps listed below to download their WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023:
Step 1: Visit the official website of Western Coalfields Limited at www.westerncoal.in or click on the direct link provided in this article.
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the ‘Recruitment’ tab.
Step 3: Next, click on the ‘WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023’ link.
Step 4: Enter the required credentials such as registration number and date of birth.
Step 5: Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 6: The WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Download and take a printout of the admit card.
Candidates must ensure that all the details mentioned on the WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 are correct. In case of any discrepancy, candidates must bring it to the notice of the official authorities immediately.
Download WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card 2023 >> Click Here <<
Check the WCL Mining Sirdar, Surveyor Admit Card, and Exam Date Notice >> Click Here <<
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